Thursday, January 28, 2010

Eat smart: a keystep towards healthy eating

Once my brother asked me : "Do we live in order to eat, or do we eat in order to live"? That has sounded really cool for my ears then, but I remembered that phrase and started to think deeper about that only when I decided to start a healthy feed.
Eating is one of the most important event in our everyday life.We enjoy eating, it's a part of our life, of our culture.Each country and civilization has it's own special food, and it's own way to prepare it, In fact, eating is the hottest universal topic of all times.We know so much about eating, we are born with the desire to eat and grow with rich traditions of eating. It is a paradox our modern scientists are trying to solve.
So, it is very important how do you serve it and how much .Paying attention to what you eat and choosing foods, are both nourishing and enjoyable helps support an overall diet:
  • Take time to chew your food: Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush though our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures of what is in our mouths. Reconnect with the joy of eating.
  • Avoid stress while eating: When we are stressed, our digestion can be compromised, causing problems like colitis and heartburn. Avoid eating while working, driving, arguing, or watching TV (especially disturbing programs or the news). Try taking some deep breaths prior to beginning your meal, or light candles and play soothing music to create a relaxing atmosphere.
  • Listen to your body: Ask yourself if you are really hungry. You may really be thirsty, so try drinking a glass of water first. During a meal, stop eating before you feel full. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly. Eating just enough to satisfy your hunger will help you remain alert, relaxed and feeling your best, rather than stuffing yourself into a “food coma”!
  • Eat early, eat often: Starting your day with a healthy breakfast can jump-start your metabolism, and eating the majority of your daily caloric allotment early in the day gives your body time to work those calories off. Also, eating small, healthy meals throughout the day, rather than the standard three large meals, can help keep your metabolism going and ward off snack attacks. 
Also take into consideration to inform yourself about what goes to your stomach so fast :)
Greens : Dark leafy green vegetables are a vital part of healthy diet since they are full of vitamins and nutrients such calcium,magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc and vitamins A, C, E and K. Greens helps to strengthen the blood and respiratory system.Broccoli, Chinese cabbage , avocado, apples,last but not least parsley and dill.
Deep red : Grapes, blackberries,prunes,radishes are rich with vitamin C and bioflavonoids.For this reason are recommended to increase the immunity of the body or to prevent cancer.Beetroot contains much iron and magnesium and prevents the deposit as fat in the body.It is ideal for ensuring a balanced menu for people who follow a diet.
Go for the brights!!!
The brighter, deeper colored fruits and vegetables contain higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Yellow and Orange : These colors indicate a high concentration of potassium, carbohydrates, and a significant dose of beta-carotene. Most often are colored yellow or orange fruits and vegetables as: lemons, oranges, quinces, pumpkins, corn, beans, carrots, etc.., Known for their intake of vitamin C. The floury products and potatoes are the most important sources of starch and carbohydrates, is recommended especially children in growth period.
Whites :  It's not a secret that almost all white products (cheese, milk, yogurt, white of the egg, fish) are rich in calcium. Of course, we can get some calcium from some fruits or vegetables, but white products have an added advantage: contain vitamin D and calcium that are essential for determining in the body. 
Avoid !!! 
Fruit juices can contain up to 10 teaspoons of sugar per cup; avoid or dilute with water. Canned fruit often contains sugary syrup, and dried fruit, while an excellent source of fiber, can be high in calories. Avoid fried veggies or ones smothered in dressings or sauces – you may still get the vitamins, but you’ll be getting a lot of unhealthy fat and extra calories as well. 

Be healthy, Eat healthy.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Meditation on positive thinking

Let's start from's very important to think positive and to believe that Yoga, Meditation and other mental and soul discipline really helps, Do not be skeptic, there is a power inside you that will help you if you'll start to develop and to believe in it.
Here is a meditation on positive thinking :
I sit relaxed
And begin to harness the power of my mind
For this meditation
We will allow the natural thoughts To flow
I have a thought that I am a peaceful positive being
I create the thought that I am a positive individual
And I maintain positive thoughts in every situation
I seek solutions to problems
And I focus in on the answers And not on the problems
I constantly fill my mind with positive powerful thoughts
I focus to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts
So that the light of positive thinking empowers me
These real thoughts bring a good feeling in my mind
I am a powerful positive being
I am a being of light
And as light I am carefree
As light I am beyond the dramas and chaos of those around me
My only important task is to be powerful in positive thinking
When I have tension I am creating positive thoughts
I do not experience any tension
I am positive powerful being of light
I am an eternal being of light
Any thought that is negative I let it pass
And keep the shining powerful mindset in place
I constantly generate positive powerful thoughts
Positive powerful thoughts are those of an eternal nature
They are who I really am
Just an eternal wonderful, radiant being
Of positive energy
And in this light my positive mindset cannot be shaken
By any adverse or negative situation that is around me
For I am the lighthouse
Shining within the storm of negativity of the world
But this powerful light I will forever keep ignited
And I let love be the eternal oil
That fuels this eternal flame of light
And a love to keep myself illuminated
By this meditation
That I will forever practice.

I hope you will enjoy it.
be healthy! relax.

"a healthy mind in a healthy body"

Being at my latin class, in college, just something really impressed me and it was a simple proverb: "Mens sana in corpore sano" The intended meaning here is that only a healthy body can support a healthy mind, so we should strive to keep our bodies in top condition.It is a a sharp call for personal perfection; finding limits and moving beyond them; developing a powerful and beautiful personal presence.
In this Blog I wanna share all my knowledges related with health and beauty in general and particular subdivisions. I'll try to broach healthy and relaxing sports, healthy food,vegetarian life, alternative medicines, beauty and even make-up tips...
Let's start a healthy life that doesn't contain diseases, depression insomnia...that will be out of stress and any disorders.
I hope each of you will be interested in my topics and will add something interesting for me as well.
Improving our knowledges we'll become healthier and more informed about our personal bodies...which means we are taking under control ourselves as a whole and the brain in the best way.